Product Documentation

Peak Tickets

Peak Modifications Docs > Product Documentation > Peak Tickets > Configuration



Below is a list of the configuration options, their purpose, default values, and other information. Each section corresponds to a section in the configuration file.

To obtain the ID of a user, role, or channel, make sure you have Developer Mode enabled in Discord. If you are having trouble enabling Developer Mode, please refer to this guide: Where can I find my User/Server/Message ID?

Bot Settings

Variable Name Description Type Default Value
token Discord bot token used to have the bot login to the API. String "TOKEN_HERE"
bot_game_type Different Bot Status. "PLAYING", "WATCHING", "LISTENING" String "PLAYING"
bot_game Custom Status Message. String "Some_Game_Presence"
embed_color Color for most embeds String "#ff0000"
license_key License key used for authentication purposes. Obtain license key from String "LICENSE_KEY_HERE"
port The port the bot listens on this can be used for status pages. String "8080"
footer This is what the footer for most embeds say. String "Made by Peak Modifications"

Database Setup

Variable Name Description Type Default Value
host The IP of your SQL Server String "localhost"
user The username for your SQL Server String "username"
password The password for of the user for your SQL Server. String "password"
database The database designated for the bot. String "peaktickets"
port Port that your MySQL server listens to. String "3306"

Staff Setup

Variable Name Description Type Default Value
ticket_add Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
ticket_close Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
ticket_lock Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
ticket_panel Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
ticket_remove Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
ticket_unlock Roles that can use this command. Array ["ROLE_ID_HERE"]
Variable Name Description Type Default Value
max_tickets Whats the max amount of tickets allowed to be open? String "2"

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